
WP Newsletter – May 2021

Written and edited by Anne Sopshin 

May 20, 2021 | Men’s Nite In Featuring Amar’e Stoudemire and Whisky Tasting with Milk & Honey

May 26, 2021 | WP End of Year Celebration

May 27, 2021 | Annual Meeting

A note from Rosita:

Darca Schools is a non-profit organization operating a network of 40 schools and learning centers located in Israel’s geographic and socio-economic periphery. They believe that every child in Israel’s school system has the right to realize their potential for excellence regardless of their race, socio-economic, parent’s education, or any other factor.

Their mission is to strengthen the underprivileged communities in Israel by creating a groundbreaking, enriched, and efficient education system. Darca serves all sectors of the Israeli population regardless of their religion or political affiliations.

Click here to watch a five-minute video about Darca schools:

Last year, $1,548,361 was allocated to “Supporting Israel & Overseas” through our allocations committee. Darca Schools is a brand new allocation for this fiscal year. We are now giving them $15,000 annually. You should feel really proud that our Federation is keeping up with new and important initiatives in Israel, Broward and worldwide. 

The rest of it went in a doublet of fine cloth and velvet breeches and shoes to match for holidays, while on week-days he made a brave figure in his best homespun. He had in his house a housekeeper past forty, a niece under twenty, and a lad for the field and market-place, who used to saddle the hack as well as handle the bill-hook. The age of this gentleman of ours was bordering on fifty; he was of a hardy habit, spare, gaunt-featured, a very early riser and a great sportsman.

Success: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

Celebrate: To assemble to honor. It gives us a way to feel good about ourselves and our accomplishments.

The month of May brings excitement as the days are longer, the sun is shining, and celebrations are beginning to take place. We come together, whether virtually or in person, to congratulate ourselves and each other for the successes of the year. We come together to learn from each other and thank each other for a job well done.

At Federation, we celebrate the success of the volunteers who graciously give their time to the community and the community on a global level. We celebrate those who have the passion in them to work, focus, come up with ideas and serve the community. Those who persist to get the job done and who are passionate about making a difference are to be commended; people like each of you rise to the challenge daily to make a difference in someone’s life. This was evident with our recent Mitzvah Day on April 11.  Partner agencies from around the community: The Cupboard, We Are One, WeCare, Sunshine Circle, Cantor Senior Center, Re-Specs,Yasher L’Chayal, Dental Volunteers for Israel, Rak Pak, Dignity Project, Gib U, JAFCO, and the Hebrew Academy, came to the Federation campus and pitched a tent in the parking lot, to collect much-needed items for their agencies. And you, the generous volunteers and supporters of our wonderful community, stepped up to the challenge. Whether you brought socks, food, diapers, menstrual pads, painting supplies, flip flops, towels, dental items or books, each item donated was a mitzvah in its own right.  Cars were filled to the brim with the donated items which were well received by each agency and then which could be distributed to those who need them.  For all of the chairs of this event, a hearty Mazel Tov for all you did to ensure it was a great day!  The weather even stayed bright and sunny for this very important day.  For those who have been in their homes for the past year, it was a great day to safely get out of our cars, enjoy a shaved ice, and mingle with friends who we have only seen in a little Zoom box. It was a time to celebrate our new normal, socialization with facemasks!!! Whatever it takes, it was great to be outside with everyone- that is a true celebration!!!

Not only do we celebrate people, we celebrate holidays and birthdays.  We were so happy to be able to virtually celebrate Israel’s 73rd birthday with two amazing zoom programs.  The first celebration was Israel’s 73: A personal Story of Aliyah from Ethiopia to Israel.  We listened to Yasu Mola as he shared his story of immigrating- making Aliyah- from Ethiopia to Israel.  It was a compelling story of perseverance and dedication as they pushed through hard times and focused on their path to make a better life for themselves.  We heard about the struggles and the work it took to get them to Israel. Today, Yasu and his family reside in Nesher, Israel, Broward County’s Partnership City. The second program was a Worldwide Celebration of Israel’s 73rd featuring a celebration and congratulations to outgoing Israel President Reuven Rivlin.  Not only did we get the opportunity to hear from President Rivlin, we heard stories of Olympic athletes and how Israel was first represented in the Olympics.  It was a true celebratory story. Hoping that whatever Zoom you may have watched, you left with a good feeling of celebration!!

The Yesod Leadership 2.0 series is more than halfway through their sessions.  The topics have been engaging and thought provoking.  The lessons have challenged us to think about our leadership style not only when volunteering, but personally as well. From listening to Ted Talks, to reading interesting articles and discussing Jewish text, the topics always seem to fit into our lives at the most opportune times. 

Have you ever heard of Wisdom Access Questions?  WAQs “access your innate wisdom to create positive, forward motion”.  Instead of using the word “why” when asking a question – because the word “why” can be thought of as a roadblock or a defense mechanism, try using the word “what” when asking a question. Using the word “what” gives you the answer you were looking for in order to go forward and get clarification. The question needs to be answered honestly, and the person receiving the question doesn’t feel that they are being judged. “Using ‘what’ questions provides the opportunity to start you along the road to accessing your own wisdom.” For example, instead of saying “Why aren’t we doing better?” say it a different way, “What can we do to improve?” The “what” in this question assumes that the goal is a solution to the problem. Try this when speaking or when gathering information. Once you do, it will become second nature. Instead of feeling like people are being questioned, conversations and results can be more easily achieved. “WAQs is a productive and highly generous listening tool for you to use.”  Isn’t it time that we listen more and celebrate those around us?? In today’s world, with so much happening, it’s nice to genuinely be interested in what others have to say.  Give it a try; let us know how it works for you.

The month of May will bring us Men’s Night In, Federation’s Annual Meeting (both in-person and virtually), and the WP end of year celebration.  No matter how you celebrate, take time to appreciate those around you, celebrate all of your/our successes, and enjoy each moment.  Be present in the moment and let others know you are present for them!

Wishing each of you a wonderful, happy, healthy Mother’s Day.  Let those around you celebrate the wonderful moms you are!!  Enjoy the day!!

I will leave you with a few quotes.  Each of these resonated with me, and I hope they do the same for you.  Enjoy!!

Celebrate what you’ve accomplished, but raise the bar a little higher each time you succeed.

Mia Hamm


Celebrations are the footprint of achievements.


Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg