Please start making your calls anytime between 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. from the comfort of your home. Spend time calling for however long you can devote to doing this Mitzvah!
Callers and their Federation professional will communicate at various times throughout the day.
For Phone Calls
Your body language can be interpreted through your vocal patterns, so remember to smile and stand up while talking on the phone.
Remember to say thank you!
“Hello, is _______ available? I’m ________, a volunteer or staff member with the Jewish Federation of Broward County. Today is Super Sunday, and thank you for taking my call (and/or “I want to thank you for your past generosity”)
I hope you will consider helping to overcome once-in-a-generation challenges our local and global community faces today.
Because of donations to our Annual Campaign, we are able to address urgent needs in Israel and Broward.
Support of our Annual Campaign enabled us to help Israel immediately on October 7th because we were strong and ready on October 6th.
This year we have had unprecedented generosity from the community. As a result, we have been able to help our community even more than previous years.
Your gift feeds the hungry, aids the elderly, and allows us to care for the entire Jewish community in a way that no one agency could do on its own.
I’m contacting you today to ask you to consider a donation of $____ to the Federation’s 2024 Annual Campaign.
If it is easier for you, I can take your credit card now and complete your gift for annual campaign today.
If no and they want to pledge or make their donation themselves say:
Your generosity and support of our 2024 Annual Campaign will prepare our community for an even stronger tomorrow.
(Yes) Thank you and know you made a difference today. Thank you again for making a gift and supporting our Annual Campaign.
(No) Thank you and have a great day.
For Texting
"Hi. This is __________, a volunteer with the Jewish Federation of Broward County. Today is Super Sunday (our largest fundraising day). This year more than ever, our community faces tremendous challenges. Would you be willing to make a donation?”
If No: Thanks for getting back to me, would you consider making a pledge today that you wouldn’t have to pay until December 31, 2024?
If No: Okay. Thanks again for letting me know. Have a great day.
Hi ________ Today is Super Sunday, and I’m writing to thank you for your past generosity and ask you to help overcome once-in-a-generation challenges our community faces today and prepare for an even stronger tomorrow by supporting the 2024 Annual Campaign.
Because of you, we were able to address the urgent needs in Israel and Broward. Your support of our Annual Campaign, enabled us to help Israel immediately on October 7th because we were strong and ready on October 6th.
Your gift feeds the hungry, aids the elderly, and allows us to care for the entire Jewish community in a way that no one agency could do on their own.
Would you to consider a pledge of $____ to the Federation’s 2024 Annual Campaign.
If it is easier for you to make a donation online, visit: If you’d rather send me the amount you’d like to donate – or pledge to pay by December 31, 2024 – I’d be happy to enter it for you.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and have a great day!
Asking For An Increase
Would you consider an increase to our Annual Campaign?
I am sure you recognize that these past few years have been extremely challenging. The impact and the situation in Israel, the rise in anti-Semitism, and our overall caring for people locally and globally have greatly increased our needs to support the most vulnerable populations. Your support of our Annual Campaign, enabled us to help Israel immediately on October 7th because we were strong and ready on October 6th.
Your gift feeds the hungry, aids the elderly, and allows us to care for the entire Jewish community in a way that no one agency could do on their own.
Our dedicated and generous community has stepped up to meet these challenges and at the same time, we are committed to building a vibrant, flourishing, and welcoming community for Jews of all ages and stages in Broward.
To more significantly address the needs of our community and reach heights we have only imagined were possible, we must raise more resources.
By increasing your gift amount to the 2024 Annual Campaign, your gift will address the increase in needs of our community.
Common Objections
Already made my gift or already got called:Please thank them for their generosity. Tell them this payment was for last year’s pledge and remind them this call is for 2024 campaign and payment is not due until 12/31/24.
I gave a gift to the Israel Emergency Fund: Please thank them for their generosity. Tell them: Because of donations to our Annual Campaign, we were able to address the urgent needs in Israel and Broward. Your support of our Annual Campaign, will continue to offer assistance in addition to what you gave to the Israel Emergency Fund and our local community.
I am greatly concerned about Israel right now and want/don't want my money to go there: I understand. Please know that the Federation supports Israel. We give to people in Israel and locally — children in preschool, Jewish education, programs for individuals with special needs, vital services to sustain our frail elderly and services for families in crisis.
I don’t support Israel’s actions in the Middle East: No Federation money goes to either the Israeli military or government. We only give to organizations in Israel that provide aid and social services to the needy, and to raise money for Israelis during times of crisis.
Not this year, I simply can’t afford it: I understand, and appreciate all that you have done in the past. Is there something we, at the Federation, can do to help you? (CALLER: take their contact information and say you or someone from Federation will get back to them with the information they need) If donors says no, please continue... OK, please know that your Jewish community is here for you. I completely understand your situation, however — our Jewish family was desperately counting on your support once again. If you would consider a small gift, you don’t have to pay right now. All gifts are payable through December 31, 2024. Every dollar helps — what do you say?
Already give to other causes: That’s great! You understand the importance of giving back. But as Jews, we must take care of one another. The Federation makes sure to support Jewish causes. Would you consider making The Federation a priority on your list of favored charities?
Prefer to give my time: Thank you! We can always use more volunteers. However, many of the services provided to people in our community depend on the funds we raise. May we count on you?
If you need to share the link to the donate page, please copy and paste the below link