JWF Trustees & Membership Information


Individual membership shall be through a financial contribution in one of five categories:


Trustees make a $10,000 commitment, payable over five (5) years. Trustees in good standing are those who have paid a minimum of $2,000 per calendar year. At the completion of five (5) years, Trustees may renew their membership by making a $5,000 commitment, also payable over five (5) years.


Young Woman Trustees make a $5,000 commitment, which may be payable over five (5) years. Young Woman Trustees in good standing are those who have paid a minimum of $1,000 per calendar year. At the completion of five (5) years, Young Woman Trustees may renew their membership by making a $5,000 commitment, also payable over five (5) years.


Current Lions of Judah make a $5,000 commitment, which may be payable over five (5) years. LOJ Trustees in good standing are those who have paid a minimum of $1,000 per calendar year. At the completion of five (5) years, LOJ Trustees may renew their membership by making a $5,000 commitment, also payable over five (5) years. LOJ Trustees must maintain their LOJ status in order to be considered a LOJ Trustee.


Lifetime Trustees make a one-time commitment of $50,000, which may be payable over five (5) years. Lifetime Trustees in good standing are those who have paid $10,000 per calendar year.


Multi-Generational Trustees make a one-time commitment of $100,000, which may be payable over five (5) years. The original member may appoint additional family members to join them as Multi-Generational Trustees. Original Multi-Generational Trustees in good standing are those who have paid $20,000 per calendar year.


Arlene Backman
Jane Basch
Terry Breitbord
Karen Dombey
Goldie Dropkin
Wandy Druss
Adrienne Frank
Agnes Gray
Sheryl Greenwald
Laura Gordon
Gladys Hirschman
Bette Hochberger
Marcy Hoffman
Stephanie Houser
Joan Kuriansky
Carol Lasek
Denise Lettau*
Jami Levy**
Audrey Meline
Gina Stelnik
Elissa Mogilefsky

Robbin Newman
Karen Roberts
Susan Samrick
Karen Saster
Stephanie Saunders
Susan Schneider
Hanita Schreiber
Ibby Schulman
Esther Shacket***
Nicole Shacket**
Merryl Shapiro
Gina Shull
Gina Stelnik
Corina Waldman
Karen Zemel

**Past Chair
***Founding Trustee
as of May 2020