Women’s Executive Circle – Happy Hour
NSU FL, United StatesWomen's Executive Circle Happy Hour & Museum Tour The Women's Executive Circle (WEC) of the Jewish Federation of Broward County exercises the collective clout of Broward County's preeminent Jewish women…
LGBTQ+ Kickoff Event
Thursday, September 28, 2023 6:00-7:30 p.m. The Jewish Federation of Broward County is committed to creating a new and exciting group that will seek to understand, engage with, and advocate…
JAFCO Poker Night
Illuminate Event Venue 5100 N Nob Hill Rd, Sunrise, FL, United StatesJoin us for Poker Night to benefit the children of JAFCO!
Rabbi David Hartley Mark, Jewish Philosophy Friday’s @ 2 PM
Rabbi David Hartley Mark, discuss Jewish Philosophy @ 2 PM every Friday online via Zoom Zoom Link ID: 868 5009 3599 All are welcome to join in this lively online…
Erev Sukkot & Shabbat Family Service & Dinner
Temple Beth Dorim 2360 Glades Circle, Weston, United StatesJoin Rabbi Bloch & Cantorial Soloist Robin Koota for Pizza and our Sukkot Service & Celebration in our new Sukkah. No cost. Donations appreciated.
Erev Sukkot Potluck
Temple Sinai of Hollywood 1400 N 46 ave, Hollywood, FloridaJoin us at Temple Sinai of Hollywood for Potluck Dinner in the Sukkah! Bring a kosher, vegetarian/dairy/parve dish!
Friday night Shabbat services followed by Oneg Shabbat – TEMPLE SHOLOM POMPANO BEACH
Temple Sholom Pompano Beach 132 SE 11th Ave., Pompano Beach, FL, United StatesFriday night Shabbat services followed by Oneg Shabbat - TEMPLE SHOLOM POMPANO BEACH FRIDAY 7 PM - SHABBAT SERVICES - SATURDAY 9:30 AM We always have a nosh following services—food…
Temple Sholom Saturday morning Shabbos services at 10 AM
Rabbi David Hartley Mark and Cantor Javier Smolarz bring you Shabbat services every Saturday at 10 AM Zoom ID: 896 1303 7319 All are welcome to join us for our…
Lulav Luau
David Posnack JCC 5850 S Pine Island Rd, Davie, FloridaIt's a fun day for the whole family! Water slides, Kona Ice Truck, Hip Hop Kidz Show, Hula Dance Demo, Sukkah Photo Booth, Luau Craft Station, Pool & Splashpad, drinks…
Annual Sukkot BBQ Party
Chabad Lubavitch of Fort Lauderdale Social Hall 3530 N. Ocean Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL, United StatesJoin us for our annual Sukkah BBQ party with lots of good food, live music, l'chaim, kids crafts, fun and great atmosphere Suggested donation: $15