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WP Mini Mission

Thursday, December 14, 2023

8:45 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation of Broward County invites you to a community Mini Mission!

Grab a seat on the bus, bring a friend, sit back and take in the sites as we visit where our contributions are making an impact right here in Broward County.

Meet at the Jewish Federation of Broward County
5890 South Pine Island Road I Davie

Couvert $36

Join Us for a Surprise Bus Ride to Discover…

• How we help the homeless

• How we assist those with special needs

• How we impact college students

• How we fund emergency care

• How we create and sustain a vibrant Jewish life for all 

A Special Thank You to Our Vice Chairs of Community Outreach

Lori Margolis
Ellen Sredni

Event Details

Lunch will be served

Kosher Dietary Laws Observed

Please bring a gift card from Publix, Target, or Walmart to donate to the Goodman Jewish Family Services Domestic Abuse Program and the Chabad Southwest Broward Diversion Shelter.

For more information, please contact acerritelli@jew​ishbroward.org