The Women's Event
Join us for our community-wide Women's Event as we come together to create, connect, and empower each other to build the Jewish future.
Lizzy Savetsky
Popular Digital Influencer and Passionate Activist for Israel and the Jewish Community
With more than 300,000 Instagram followers, proud Zionist and digital influencer Lizzy Savetsky leverages her platform to advocate for Jewish people worldwide.
An outspoken advocate for Israel, Lizzy channels her love for her family and fashion into content that inspires others to fight for causes they believe in.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
6:30 p.m. Dinner Reception
7:30 p.m. Program and Dessert
Temple Sinai
1400 North 46th Avenue, Hollywood
Couvert $136
Under 21 $118
Event Co-Chairs
Stacey Fisher
Deb Gill
Event Committee
Women's Philanthropy
Jodi Berman
Debbie Gober
Pamela Gregg
Jodi Katz
Sheri Rosenberg
Jennifer Roth
Liz Samrick
Esther Shacket
Women's Executive Circle
Barbara Goldberg
Sandi Jarrett
Jewish Women's Foundation
Jane Basch
Young Leadership Division
Alexa Goldenberg
Event Details
Kosher dietary laws observed.
You will have the opportunity to make your contribution to the 2024 Annual Campaign if you have not done so already.
A minimum gift of $365 is required.
Women's Philanthropy Leadership
Leslie Linevsky I Chair
Olgui Lowell and Amy Stolberg I Campaign Co-Chairs
Randi K. Grant I Lion of Judah/Lion of Judah Endowment Chair
Debra Kudish Zablotsky I Vice President, Women's Philanthropy
Federation Leadership
Audra P. Berg I President & CEO
Pamela Gottlieb I Senior Vice President, Annual Campaign
For more information, please contact acerritelli@jewishbroward.org
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