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ShabBark Shalom Shabbat Evening Service

Event Date and Time:

October 20, 2023 @ 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

A Casual Shabbat Experience For You and Your Pets!

Doggie Activity Zone by Ben Meyer Dog Training
Hot Diggity Dog Dinner & Oneg

Bring blankets and chairs.
Doggie Bags with Treats!

Pet owners are responsible for the safety of their pets and others.
All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier at all times.

Don’t have a pet, no worries! Bring your favorite stuffed animal!

Please help us support our partner by bringing any of the following items:
Dog & Cat Food (dry or can) | Cat Litter (non-clumping) | Newspapers | Pet Shampoo | Pet Grooming Supplies | Sheets (gently used) | Dog Beds | Soft Dog Treats | Cat Treats | Kongs (all sizes) | Cat Toys | Empty Cereal Boxes & Empty Paper Towel Rolls


No cost. Donations appreciated.

Event Organizer:

Faye Kotler


Temple Dor Dorim

Event Cost:

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Shabbark Shalom