March of the Living – A Conversation with Irene Zisblatt and her daughter, Robin Mermelstein

June 15, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Based on the film, The Last Days

Please watch the Oscar-winning documentary, executive produced by Steven Spielberg, The Last Days on Netflix (beginning May 19th) and join us for a conversation with Irene (MOL '94+) and her daughter Robin (MOL '17 Adult), who accompanied her on her journey.

Moderated by David Crabtree (MOL ’18 Adult), WRAL-TV, Anchor/Reporter

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Five Jewish Hungarians, now U.S. citizens, tell their stories: before March, 1944, when Nazis began to exterminate Hungarian Jews, months in concentration camps, and visiting childhood homes more than 50 years later. An historian, a Sonderkommando, a doctor who experimented on Auschwitz prisoners, and US soldiers who were part of the liberation in April, 1945, also comment. Most telling are details: Renée packing her bathing suit, Irene swallowing the diamonds her mother gave her to buy bread, Alice's memorial for her sister Klara, Bill escaping police by jumping into a line of Jews going to Buchenwald, and Tom told by a US soldier to have "all the damn bananas and oranges you can eat."

Event Organizer:

Rochelle Baltuch




Event Cost:
