Good Deeds Day
Sunday, April 6, 2025
Join us for Good Deeds Day, a global initiative started by an Israeli philanthropist in 2007, now celebrated worldwide. As part of our annual mitzvah day, we've partnered with local Jewish organizations to make a positive impact on our community. With a variety of projects, locations, and age ranges, there's something for everyone. Let's come together and do good!
Connect with Special Needs Teens I Fort Lauderdale
Lead Organization: Friendship Circle of Greater Chabad
Join a Scavenger Bean Hunt with our Special Needs teens and help them feel embraced in our community.
12+ family-friendly event
Assemble and Deliver Holiday Food Packages to Holocaust Survivors and Seniors I Cooper City
Lead Organization: Friendship Circles
Volunteers assemble holiday food packages for Holocaust Survivors and seniors. Once the food packages are completed, participants will deliver to a designated list of recipients in Broward County.
Family-friendly event
Packing Passover Seder Boxes I Fort Lauderdale
Lead Organization: Chabad Las Olas
Volunteers assemble 1000 Passover Seder boxes for families in our community who would typically be unable to celebrate Passover.
18+ event
Pre-Passover/Chametz Food Drive | Fort Lauderdale
Lead Organization: Young Israel of. Hollywood-Ft. Lauderdale
Volunteers collect Kosher non-perishable food items to be donated to The Dorit & Ben J. Genet Cupboard, serving those in the Broward County Jewish community who have been identified as food insecure. Click here for a list of requested items.
Family-friendly event
Kosher Food Drive I Plantation
Lead Organization: Florida Broward Hadassah
Volunteers load food care packages into vehicles.
55+ event
Diaper Drive for Expecting Mothers Facing
Financial Hardship I Davie
Lead Organization: EFRAT Crib
Volunteers donate NEW and requested baby items and assemble packages for expectant mothers. Click here for a list of requested items.
12+ event
Making Care Kits for Women in Active Treatment for Breast Cancer I Plantation
Lead Organization: Sharsheret I The Jewish Breast and Ovarian Cancer Community
Volunteers bring 5-6 donation items (preferably 2 from each category) and assemble 30-50 care kits for women undergoing breast cancer treatment. These kits will be delivered by the Sharsheret team and then to local hospitals.
10+ event
Cupboard Food Sorting and Packing I Davie
Lead Organization: Goodman Jewish Family Services of Broward County
Self-stocking and packing Kosher non-perishable food items for those in the Broward County Jewish community who have been identified as food insecure. Click here for a list of requested items.
Family-friendly event
Assembling Welcome Kits for Families of Children Diagnosed with Developmental Disabilities or Delays I Sunrise
Lead Organization: JAFCO Children Ability Center
Assemble 100 welcome sensory kits for families of children, ages birth to 22, diagnosed with developmental disabilities or delays, including Autism, Intellectual Disability, Cerebral Palsy, and Spina Bifida.
12+ event
Live Concert Food Drive I Fort Lauderdale
Lead Organization: Temple Bat-Yam of East Fort Lauderdale
Volunteers assist with a food drive while enjoying live music featuring Temple Bat Yam’s Dor L’Dor band as part of a food drive. Entry requires a donation of a non-perishable kosher food item to be donated to the WeCare Food Bank.
Family-friendly event
For more information, please contact LDonner@jewishbroward.org