Arthur and Emalie Gutterman Family Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education Annual Award Dinner Honoring Holocaust Educators
Event Date and Time:
October 28 @ 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Please join us to honor and celebrate our special Holocaust educators! The award recognizes educators who have demonstrated a positive impact on their respective schools and the wider community in the field of Holocaust, genocide, and human rights education. It honors individuals who, by their example and through teaching about these difficult subjects, strengthen South Florida students’ world citizenship and capacity to uphold the dignity of all persons. Through the generosity of the Arthur Gutterman family, the award enables recipients to participate in an educator field study to Holocaust sites.
“Each year, for the past 15 years, we have celebrated the accomplishments of outstanding teachers who go above and beyond the requirements of the Holocaust education mandate and are truly making a difference in the lives of their students, in their schools and in the world,” said Linda Medvin, director of the Gutterman Family CHHRE. “Many things have changed but we know that education is the best hope against hatred and the Arthur and Emalie Gutterman Family Center is committed to continue our mission to keep the hope alive.”
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