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Event Date and Time:

October 27, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

  10/7: One Hundred Human Stories is the defin­i­tive account of the 10/7 mas­sacre through the sto­ries of its vic­tims and the com­mu­ni­ties they called home.

A mas­ter­ful work of inves­tiga­tive jour­nal­ism by acclaimed Haaretz reporter Lee Yaron, 10/7 chron­i­cles the mas­sacre that ignit­ed a war through the sto­ries of more than 100 civil­ians. These sto­ries are the prod­ucts of exten­sive inter­views with sur­vivors, the bereaved, and first respon­ders in Israel and beyond. The vic­tims run the gamut from left-wing kib­butzniks and Burn­ing Man-esque partiers to rad­i­cal right-wingers, from Bedouins and Israeli Arabs to Thai and Nepalese guest work­ers, peace activists, elder­ly Holo­caust sur­vivors, refugees from Ukraine and Rus­sia, preg­nant women, and babies.

This Jewish Book Council Author Event is part of the David Posnack JCC Barry and Diane Wilen Jewish Book Festival.


Please contact our office for Ticketing information!

Event Organizer:

Joni Finkelstein


David Posnack JCC

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