
Chai Lighting: Susan Meyerson

For Susan Meyerson, joining the Chai Care program with the Jewish Federation of BrowardCounty, was a vital choice. Through her friendship with Chai Care Chair, Carol Lasek, she became aware of the program and the benefits. At 82 years young, Susan opted to utilize the Chai Care program to ensure that her life would be cared for. Just two years ago, she underwent surgery, which gave her a new prospective on life, one that she hadn’t considered before, but after connecting with Chai Care program director, Esther Cohen, she felt right at home. 

A tenacious woman, Susan began her career as a school teacher after graduating from the University of Miami before transferring careers, to work as a donor recruiter for the blood bank at Mt. Sinai Hospital. Her pride and joy was the ability to save lives. Philanthropy runs strong in her family. Her brother, Murray Meyerson, was the proud mayor of Miami Beach in the 1980’s, where he also became a lawyer and judge. She was so enthralled by his passionate work endeavors, that she joined him at the justice building and welcomed jurors to the building. If there is one common theme amongst this family, it is to always give back. Susan elaborates, “My brother always said, if you love what you’re doing, then it is not work.”

Susan spent most of her life in Miami Beach and credits the community to be filled with warmth. Now, she currently resides in Hollywood, where she lives in an independent living facility and is grateful for the impeccable work of the Jewish Federation of Broward County’s Chai Care program. As a single mom, she wanted to ensure peace of mind for her son, Jeffrey Moolevliet, so she opted to enroll him in the Chai Care program as well to protect him well into his years. 

For Susan, her pride and joy is helping others. Joining the Chai Care program ensures that her son doesn’t have to worry and gives her peace of mind. Joining the Jewish Federation of Broward County was one of the happiest moments for Susan. She expands, “It is important to be involved, because ‘I am a Jew,’ and so many people are suffering.” Susan actively supports the Jewish Day Schools in Broward County and continues to fuel her passion for helping others each and every day.